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IEEFA Energy Finance Conference 2024

Sep. 2-4, 2024 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Asia Pacific renewable supply chain opportunity

Investment opportunities in the renewable energy supply chain could exceed US$1.1 trillion by 2050 in seven Asian markets.

LNG is not displacing coal in China's power mix

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is often pitched as a transition fuel that can help countries reduce coal usage. However, evidence from China, the world’s largest coal consumer, shows that LNG is unlikely to materially displace coal-fired power generation.

Europe's clean power leaders: How green financing is enabling renewable growth

Europe’s advanced utilities have demonstrated a track record of green bond issuance to fund their successful renewable energy buildout and transition progress.

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Accelerating the coal-to-clean transition

Renewable energy asset profit margins can be more than enough to pay for coal plant closure costs while still generating a profit for the power facility’s operator.

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