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Petrochemicals and plastics are ubiquitous across the globe. Their use has contributed to a galloping consumer economy and innovations ranging from disposable medical supplies and diagnostics to everyday products from smartphones to automobiles to housing and safe food packaging. Despite their ubiquity, the manufacture, trade, storage and disposal of these products remains under-regulated, uncertain and high-risk. Recent market conditions have reduced investor willingness to commit to new plants and petrochemical hubs. While demand continues to grow, IEEFA finds evidence that the plastics market is over-supplied and may be in decline while the impact on air, water, land quality, public health and the planet’s ecosystems is almost incalculable and may require generations to mitigate. IEEFA’s analysis is continuing to shed light on this important segment of the global economy

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Petrochemicals: A Sector in Secular Decline

The pace of project delays and cancellations across the U.S. make it clear: trouble lies ahead for new petrochemical facilities.

Latest Petrochemicals Research

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