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Anne-Louise Knight

Lead Analyst, Australian Coal

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Anne-Louise Knight is IEEFA’s Lead Coal Analyst for Australia. Her work examines the long-term outlooks for coal in Australia and major thermal and coking coal markets. Anne-Louise’s research centres on supporting a profitable and sustainable energy transition that promotes equitable economic growth.

Before joining IEEFA, Anne-Louise worked with the Australian Trade and Investment Commission as a senior economist conducting in-depth research on Australia’s international trade and investment landscape. Prior to this she worked with the New South Wales Government on water policy and energy programs, and with the Stockholm Environment Institute in Bangkok on the gender and social equity dimensions of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.

She holds a Bachelor of International Studies from the University of New South Wales, a MSc in Economics and an MA in Environmental Management and Development from the Australian National University where she graduated top of her class and was awarded the Tiri Tiri prize.

Research from Anne-Louise Knight

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