Research hub
IEEFA produces objective, evidence-based research on financial markets and the acceleration of the global energy transition.
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Submission: Select Committee on Energy Planning and Regulation in Australia - Institutional structures, governance, regulation, functions, and operation of the Australian energy market
Testimony | Submission
Response to the Federal Opposition on how nuclear will increase power bills
Nuclear proposal will increase power bills
Nuclear in Australia would increase household power bills
Slides: Nuclear in Australia would increase household power bills
Submission: Orderly Exit Management Framework Draft Exposure Bill and Rule – June 2024
Testimony | Submission
Submission: AEMO’s Draft 2025 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report (IASR) scenarios
Testimony | Submission
Submission: Enhancing the Integrated System Plan to support the energy transition
Testimony | Submission
Fact Sheet: Do small nuclear reactors (SMRs) make sense in Australia?
Fact Sheet
Submission: Climate Change Authority – Targets, Pathways and Progress consultation
Testimony | Submission
Multiple budget measures will bring energy bill relief, but more could be done to deliver lasting savings
Extending Eraring has still not been adequately justified
Integrated System Plan needs greater ambition on DER to be a true whole-of-system plan
Briefing Note
Electricity and Energy Sector Plan discussion paper
Testimony | Submission
Submission: Expanded Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) – Design Paper
Testimony | Submission
Inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator's Draft 2024 ISP Consultation
Testimony | Submission
Submission to Energy Ministers Australia regarding the Orderly Exit Management Framework Consultation
Testimony | Submission