Research hub
IEEFA produces objective, evidence-based research on financial markets and the acceleration of the global energy transition.
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How to make a solar ‘backstop’ work for consumers
Smart air conditioners could reduce energy bills for consumers
Briefing Note
How a timely shift in water heating can yield massive savings
Australia needs more efficient, smarter home hot water systems
Briefing Note
The case for reforming the economic regulation of distribution networks in Australia
Reforming the economic regulation of Australian electricity distribution networks
Integrated System Plan needs greater ambition on DER to be a true whole-of-system plan
Briefing Note
A meta-analysis of DER integration
Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator's Draft 2024 ISP Consultation
Testimony | Submission
DER could provide $19 billion economic boost by 2040
Fact Sheet: Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
Fact Sheet
Submission to the Australian Treasury's consultation on 2024–25 Pre-Budget submissions
Testimony | Submission
Submission to AEMO on DSP Forecasting Technology
Testimony | Submission
AEMO is pursuing NEM-wide rooftop solar cut-offs, but not smarter alternatives
Distributed storage will be the majority of storage