Research hub
IEEFA produces objective, evidence-based research on financial markets and the acceleration of the global energy transition.
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Submission: Expanded Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) – Design Paper
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Inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles
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New Vehicle Efficency Standard consultation
Testimony | Submission
Clarifying consultation requirements for offshore oil and gas storage regulatory approvals: consultation paper
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator's Draft 2024 ISP Consultation
Testimony | Submission
Submission to Energy Ministers Australia regarding the Orderly Exit Management Framework Consultation
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Australian Treasury's consultation on 2024–25 Pre-Budget submissions
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Australian Treasury's Sustainable Finance Strategy consultation
Testimony | Submission
Submission to AEMO on DSP Forecasting Technology
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Australian Government's Future Gas Strategy Consultation
Testimony | Submission
IEEFA submission to Senate committees inquiry on Middle Arm Industrial Precinct
Testimony | Submission
Implementation of Market Coupling in India: Recommendations to the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
Testimony | Submission
Submission to Decommissioning Roadmap Taskforce
Testimony | Submission
Submission to Victorian State Government’s Renewable Gas Consultation Paper
Testimony | Submission
Senate inquiry on residential electrification
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Climate Change Authority: Economic modelling of potential Australian emissions reduction pathways
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission
Testimony | Submission
Proposed EU ESG rating regulation shows limited coherence with wider EU sustainable finance framework
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Review of the National Hydrogen Strategy
Testimony | Submission
IEEFA welcomes the European Commission’s adoption of the first set of sustainability reporting standards
Testimony | Submission
Submission to HM Treasury Consultation on Future Regulatory Regime for ESG Ratings Providers
Testimony | Submission