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April 2, 2021 (IEEFA) The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis will host a webinar on Thursday, April 8, 2021 to present findings from its recently released U.S. Power Sector Outlook 2021.

Authors Dennis Wamsted, Seth Feaster, and David Schlissel will show how lower-cost wind and solar, coupled with battery storage, is rapidly gaining ground on the grid.

WHAT: IEEFA U.S. Power Sector Outlook 2021 webinar

WHEN: Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 1:00 pm U.S. Eastern Daylight time (EDT)

WHO: Dennis Wamsted, Seth Feaster, David Schlissel

Register here  (it’s free!): 

Full report: U.S. Power Sector Outlook 2021: Rapid Transition Continues to Reshape Country’s Electricity Generation

Author contacts

Dennis Wamsted ([email protected]) is an IEEFA energy analyst.

Seth Feaster ([email protected]) is an IEEFA data analyst.

David Schlissel ([email protected]) is IEEFA’s director of resource planning analysis.

Media contact

Vivienne Heston ([email protected]) +1 (914) 439-8921.

The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) examines issues related to energy markets, trends and policies. The Institute’s mission is to accelerate the transition to a diverse, sustainable and profitable energy economy.

Dennis Wamsted

Dennis Wamsted focuses on the ongoing transition away from fossil fuels to green generation resources, focusing particularly on the electric power sector. He has 30 years of experience tracking utility transitions and technology developments.

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Seth Feaster

Seth Feaster is an Energy Data Analyst whose work focuses on the coal industry and the U.S. power sector.

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David Schlissel

David Schlissel was an IEEFA analyst with 50 years of experience as an economic and technical consultant on energy and environmental issues. 

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