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Submission to Decommissioning Roadmap Taskforce
Testimony | Submission
Submission to Victorian State Government’s Renewable Gas Consultation Paper
Testimony | Submission
Comments on draft Philippine Sustainable Finance Taxonomy Guidelines
Public Comment
Senate inquiry on residential electrification
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Climate Change Authority: Economic modelling of potential Australian emissions reduction pathways
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission
Testimony | Submission
Proposed EU ESG rating regulation shows limited coherence with wider EU sustainable finance framework
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Review of the National Hydrogen Strategy
Testimony | Submission
IEEFA welcomes the European Commission’s adoption of the first set of sustainability reporting standards
Testimony | Submission
Submission to HM Treasury Consultation on Future Regulatory Regime for ESG Ratings Providers
Testimony | Submission
Comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on MVP Southgate Extension pipeline
Public Comment
Submission to Inquiry into Proposed Amendments to the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act
Testimony | Submission
Submission to the Climate Change Authority: Setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets
Testimony | Submission
Australian Energy Regulator: Gas distribution network tariffs review 2023
Testimony | Submission
Victoria's Renewable Gas Consultation Paper
Testimony | Submission
Comments on Request for Extension to construct proposed NESE pipeline
Public Comment
Testimony to Vermont House Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs By Tom Sanzillo
Testimony | Submission
Testimonio de Tom Sanzillo ante la Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito de Puerto Rico
Testimony | Submission
Testimony of Tom Sanzillo before the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico
Testimony | Submission
Response to AEMO consultation on updates to the ISP Methodology
Testimony | Submission
Comments to the Ministry of Power on the draft Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS)
Testimony | Submission