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Shell’s latest LNG outlook underestimates barriers to demand growth in Asia
Shell’s 2024 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Outlook proves that the long-term investment case for LNG beyond 2040 is fading. Instead, the company is pinning its hopes on rapid demand growth in emerging markets and China’s industrial sector, which may never materialize. Critical barriers to LNG value chain financing are likely to constrain demand growth in South and Southeast Asian markets. Moreover, LNG is unlikely to provide baseload power generation in emerging Asia due to its high costs compared to other energy sources. Shell is banking on China’s industrial decarbonization to drive global LNG demand higher, but this overlooks Chinese policies designed to limit gas dependence. Under carbon neutral pathways, China’s industrial gas usage could peak and decline through 2060.
February 20, 2024
Sam Reynolds, Christopher Doleman
Shell acknowledges $14 billion price tag for petrochemical plant, more than double street estimates
Construction costs for Shell’s petrochemical plant in Pennsylvania were more than double the street-estimated cost.
February 08, 2024
Abhishek Sinha, Tom Sanzillo, Suzanne Mattei...
Shell's Pennsylvania petrochemical complex: Financial risks …
Complex is likely to be less profitable than expected and face an extended period of financial distress.
June 04, 2020
Tom Sanzillo, Kathy Hipple
IEEFA U.S.: Shell Pennsylvania likely to be last hurrah for big …
Shell Pennsylvania likely to be last hurrah for big …
March 01, 2022
Tom Sanzillo
Oil supermajors’ trajectory towards renewables needs to scale up and speed up
Even though the oil supermajors are shifting towards renewables, they need to have new ambitious goals to be net zero carbon emitters by 2050.
July 24, 2020
Clark Butler
Major oil companies’ ongoing struggle to pay shareholders out of cash flows from operations accelerates in dismal second quarter
Supermajors ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell (Shell), BP, Chevron and Total spent $16.9 billion more on …
August 01, 2020
Clark Williams-Derry, Tom Sanzillo, Kathy Hipple...
Killing blows for Driftwood LNG?
The Driftwood LNG project suffered twin setbacks last week, further weakening the prospects for a proposed LNG export project that has waited six years for a green light.
September 30, 2022
Clark Williams-Derry
U.S. frackers slash capital investment to lowest level in over a decade
Facing low prices and weak demand, a cross-section of 33 shale-focused oil and gas producers cut their capital expenditures (capex) to their lowest level in more than a decade.
December 01, 2020
Kathy Hipple, Clark Williams-Derry, Tom Sanzillo...
U.S.-Japan-Philippines Summit offers an opportunity to address false LNG narratives
The Biden administration’s temporary pause on permits for new LNG export facilities will likely be discussed at a trilateral summit of the U.S., Japan, and the Philippines.
April 08, 2024
Sam Reynolds, Christopher Doleman
Beyond Their Means: Oil Majors Pay More to Shareholders Than They Earn by Selling Oil and Gas
"Deficit spending" widens as companies bridge cash gap with borrowing and asset sales.
April 01, 2020
Clark Williams-Derry, Tom Sanzillo, Kathy Hipple...
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