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How is the Ukraine crisis and its fallout affecting global LNG markets?

Clark Williams-Derry and Arjun Flora and Ana Maria Jaller-Makarewicz and Sam Reynolds

IEEFA’s energy finance analysts around the world are paying close attention to LNG markets, gas flows, export/import relationships, prices, and demand. Please join us for a discussion about the implications of these market developments on proposed LNG buildouts in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, including how to separate fact from fiction.


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Webinar recording: How is the Ukraine crisis and its fallout affecting global LNG markets?

Clark Williams-Derry

Clark Williams-Derry is an Energy Finance Analyst focused on the finances of North America’s oil, gas, and coal industries.

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Arjun Flora

Arjun Flora is Director, Europe, at IEEFA. Arjun is responsible for leading and building the Europe team, partnering with funders, campaigners and investors to maximize IEEFA’s impact.

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Ana Maria Jaller-Makarewicz

Ana Maria Jaller-Makarewicz is the Lead Energy Analyst for IEEFA’s Europe team. Her research focuses on topics related to gas and LNG, as well as other relevant European energy issues.

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Sam Reynolds

Sam Reynolds, a Research Lead with the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), focuses on the economic, financial, and climate risks associated with natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure developments in emerging Asia.

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