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IEEFA U.S.: Selection of Puerto Rico privatization contract winner based on identical scores, identical mistakes
Selection of Puerto Rico privatization contract winner based on identical scores, identical mistakes
April 07, 2021
Tom Sanzillo
IEEFA Op-Ed: To Avoid Heavy Losses, Insurance Companies Must Wake Up to Risks of Fossil Fuel Projects
Op-Ed: To Avoid Heavy Losses, Insurance Companies Must Wake Up to Risks of Fossil Fuel Projects
July 13, 2017
Tom Sanzillo
IEEFA Puerto Rico: Hearings on Proposed Gas Port Conclude Amid Cloud of Financial Uncertainty
Puerto Rico: Hearings on Proposed Gas Port Conclude Amid Cloud of Financial Uncertainty
July 05, 2017
Cathy Kunkel
IEEFA: Global investment is racing to meet the IEA’s Net Zero by 2050 roadmap – how will this impact India?
Global investment is racing to meet the IEA’s Net Zero by 2050 roadmap – how will this impact India?
June 11, 2021
Vibhuti Garg
IEEFA Mexico: What Can Happen When an Emerging Market Opens Up to Wind and Solar
Mexico: What Can Happen When an Emerging Market Opens Up to Wind and Solar
January 13, 2017
Tim Buckley
IEEFA Global: The IEA Acknowledges the Public-Health Costs of Coal-Fired Electricity, but Still Comes Up Short
The IEA Acknowledges the Public-Health Costs of Coal-Fired Electricity, but Still Comes Up Short
June 27, 2016
Tim Buckley
Railway Executive Sees Powder River Basin Coal for What It Is: A Stranded Asset
Railway Executive Sees Powder River Basin Coal for What It Is: A Stranded Asset
June 29, 2015
Tom Sanzillo
IEEFA update: How meaningful are some estimates for India’s coal consumption data?
How meaningful are some estimates for India’s coal consumption data?
July 14, 2020
Charles Worringham
IEEFA Puerto Rico: Despite the scandal, FOMB is still rushing through an unaffordable debt deal
Puerto Rico: Despite the scandal, FOMB is still rushing through an unaffordable debt deal
July 18, 2019
Cathy Kunkel, Tom Sanzillo
Five questions for a House committee about Puerto Rico energy security
Five questions for a House committee about Puerto Rico energy security
October 01, 2021
Tom Sanzillo
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